Monday, February 23, 2009

Oscar Winner 2009

Our first post is going to be a review of the 2009 Oscar winner for Best Picture: Slumdog Millionaire.

She says:
The fact that an Indian based film has taken this year’s top honor does not surprise me in the least. In fact what does surprise me is that it has not happened before. India is the largest film industry in the world. 800 to 1,000 films are produced and released in India every year. Some 23 million Indians go to see a film every day and will see the same movie countless times. Bombay based Indian actress Aishwarya Rai was voted the most beautiful women in the world 2007. The point is Indians take their movies seriously.
Bollywood films contain no kissing, sex, nudity or, violence but Slumdog Millionaire is a cross over film. So everybody speaks english, there are some harsh truths about gangs and growing up in the slums of Mumbi, and there is a kiss. Just one. At the very end.
My review of the film is just this: beautiful! I love how Indians believe in love. The main character Jamal knew he was in love with one girl since the age of 5. He had the same best friend since birth. What this movie is really about is the underdog. Americans love an underdog story, hence the Oscar for best picture. This movie is for all ages. It has it all. So see it for the romance, drama, crime, and adventure. Then stay threw the credits for a taste of how fun a bollywood style dance routine can be.
4/5 pops

He Says

Ok they had to push Bollywood.... at least they could have choose a better movie to do it. Oscar winner??? I can tell you at least 3 other movies that deserved more the award this year: Wall-E, Changeling, Milk...
This movie is ok, well written, but we can stop there with the compliments.
It's all politics folks.

2/5 pops

Wednesday, February 18, 2009